MIEM HSE Specialized Department
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MIEM HSE (National Research University) Specialized Department
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MIEM HSE (National Research University) Specialized Department
The Specialized Department "Information Analytical System" directed by Doctor of Science Alexander Shmid was established in MIEM Research University Higher School of Economics in Year 2013.
The digital age faces society the task of creating the new technologies that significantly increases productivity of specialists working under creation and teaching the Information Analytical Systems (IAS), Decision Support System (DSS) as well as for decision of new analytical and forecast DSS tasks based on all available data processing. The lack of experts creating of such IAS and DSS makes tens of thousands people.
The main goal of the Specialized Department is training of the specialists in development, usage, support and evolution of modern learning computers for different fields of application as well as development of computer-aided technologies significantly increasing work efficiency on IAS research.
The Department developed the new Master’s training concepts focused on training of IAS and DSS architects and teachers of learning computers (LC). The concept based on the training platform containing sections for solving of three problem types: management, fundamental, engineering.
Based on IBM Watson ECL Big Data Competence Center there was created the infrastructure for researches and experimental works that allows realizing fundamentally important idea of coarse-grain LC development based on constructor and increasing its capability by teaching LC. Within the frame of this infrastructure the EC-leasing experts and Specialized Department Masters created the set of laboratory classes for real learning of constructor?s elements. There were also developed teaching aids and training tasks which solution will help to understand the technology of LC creation and working with IBM Big Data Platform.
The Masters who had successfully completed laboratory classes received from IBM the Certificates of academic program. There are more than 30 such certificates.
Starting year 2015 such laboratory classes are available on cloud platform.
In year 2016 there was published research and practice collection "New Methods of Big Data Processing: Triumphal Approach to Business Analytics Management" which summarizes EC-leasing staff experience in system design based on BigData technology and includes laboratory classes procedure methods.