EC-leasing Co. Management


Alexander V. Shmid

The Chief Executive Officer of the Company

The company was founded in 1994, Alexander Shmid is the “EC-leasing” Co. sole shareholder.

Doctor of Science in Engineering (D. Sc.), Professor,
The Head of the Chair “Information and Analytical Systems” MIEM HSE (National Research University).

The Russian Federation Government 2010 Laureate in science and technology for the design of the Disaster-recovering Geographically-distributed Centralized Data Processing System of the Bank of Russia.

1969 – 2004 – worked in NICEVT (Scientific Research Center for Electronic Computing Hardware – the Winner of the “Red Banner of Labour” Award) — the USSR Umbrella Organization in computing hardware and corresponding software (Electronic Computer Unified System and Special Purpose Electronic Computer Ranges).

Held consequently the following research posts and positions: the Senior Research Fellow (SRF), the Sector Head, the Department Head, the Subdivision Head, the Complex Department Head (“Electronic Computing and Large Scale Integrated Circuit Design Automation”), Electronic Computer Design Center Head, the NICEVT Chief Design and Production Manager, the USSR MINRADIOPROM Chief Design and Production Manager (Cooperation Program the USSR MINRADIOPROM — IBM, the USA), the CMEA Chief Design and Production Manager in CAD EC and LSIC.

Since 1991 — the USSR MINRADIOPROM Jury Member.

Since 1985 — the Editor-in-Chief of the reference subject journal series "Express Information: Computing Hardware and Technical Cybernetics" The USSR Academy of Sciences.

1986 – the NICEVT Electronic Computer and Operating System Design Center Head.

1988 – Chief Design and Production Manager (CMEA-Countries-Software Provision).

1989 – Chief Design and Production Manager (IBM – the USSR MINRADIOPROM Cooperation).

1992 –2004 — the NICEVT Chief Design and Production Manager.


Alexander A. Savchenko

the Chief Executive Officer Councelor, " EC-leasing" Co.


Sergey V. Makhortov

the Chief Financial Officer, " EC-leasing" Co.


Boris A. Pozin

the Chief Technical Officer, " EC-leasing" Co., Dr. Sci., Professor

Anton S. Zaytsev

Anton S. Zaytsev

the Deputy General Director, " EC-leasing" Co.


Vitaly R. Chugunov

the Chief Information Officer, " EC-leasing" Co.

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